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The World’s War

Canada Goose Outlet Lyse Doucet tells the story of one of the biggest humanitarian crisis of our age, the Syrian civil war seven years of brutal conflict, surpassing the length of World War II. In this two part series, Lyse Doucet, who has reported on the conflict from canada goose outlet real the start, explores how peaceful protest for change spiralled into unspeakable savagery half canada goose outlet official a million people killed, millions of lives shattered and so much of Syria in utter ruins. Canada Goose Outlet

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canada goose uk shop This two hour series provides the most comprehensive account to date of how the tragedy of Syria unfolded. Importantly, it canada goose outlet england gets as close to a 360 degree account of some of the key moments in a war that by now has drawn in 75 countries and counting. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Read about our approach to external linking canada goose uk shop.

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