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How to Have a Green Christmas

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Green Christmas Gifts: Healthier for You and the Environment

Consider gift giving, a major feature of the modern day Christmas celebration. Manufacturing gifts requires consuming resources in the form of raw materials and energy. Shopping for them uses gasoline, cheap jordans online and once given, the gifts generate mountains of wrapping paper, ribbons, and cards. Then there are all those trips back to the store to exchange unwanted items, which require more gasoline. “The kinds of gifts that have the most positive emotional value the healthiest gifts are those that provide us with experiences. You can help people travel, you can give them cheap jordans for sale tickets to concerts, museums, cheap yeezys sporting events. For teenagers, an iTunes card is always welcome. From a use less stuff standpoint, this is very positive because you’re giving an experience, not a cheap jordans sale thing, and those kinds of experiences stay with us longer anyway.”

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Fresh vs. Artificial Christmas Trees

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On the other hand, Lilienfeld says, artificial trees are made with petroleum a nonrenewable resource and the manufacturing process often involves dioxins, a highly toxic, cancer causing chemical that accumulates in the fatty cheap jordans sale tissues of humans and other animals.

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The choice between a cheap nike shoes fresh or a frozen turkey poses a similar dilemma. Fresh turkeys have no added hormones, but neither do frozen turkeys because the federal government prohibits administering growth hormones to poultry. Food Safety and Inspection Service requires that all turkeys given antibiotics be kept alive long enough for the drugs to pass completely out of the bird’s system.

If you want to make your meal more organic, you might be better off choosing lots of organic vegetables.

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Cheap jordans Christmas lights can consume an alarming amount of electricity, as homeowners who lavishly decorate their house and yard discover when inspecting their electric bill for the holiday season. You can lighten your “carbon footprint” and the burden on your pocketbook by using light emitting diodes, or LED lights, instead of conventional holiday lights. LEDs use far less electricity sometimes up to 90% less and remain cool to the touch. Cheap jordans

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