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Possible candidates for Guinean PM job

CONAKRY, Jan 14 (Reuters) The buy canada goose jacket military junta that rules Guinea, Canada Goose Coats On Sale the world biggest bauxite exporter and cheap Canada Goose a linchpin for stability in the West Africa, has begun Canada Goose Outlet talks with opposition figures about forming a government of national unity.

However the plan could still be scuppered by junta leader Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, who is now in Burkina Faso after a month long convalescence in Morocco following an assassination bid and who now wants to return to Guinea to resume rule.

Following uk canada goose are the main contenders for prime minister:


Conde, a septuagenarian former law teacher, is leader of the Assembly of Guinean People (RPG), the canada goose coats on sale country main opposition party, and an ever present anti government figure.

Sentenced to death in absentia by Sekou Toure, Guinea first post independence ruler, he later stood against President Lansana Conte in elections in 1993, and was arrested for sedition before the poll in 1998. Conde is close to Bernard Kouchner, Foreign Canada Goose Jackets Minister of former colonial power France.

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After a decade working canada goose uk black friday at Guinea central bank, Diallo joined Lansana Conte government in the mid 1990s, linked site canada goose outlet holding several offices before being appointed prime minister in late 2004. Conte sacked him in 2006 soon after giving him greater canadian goose jacket powers, a move which was seen as appeasing a military wary of a strong prime minister.

After his dismissal he became leader of opposition group the Union of Guinean Democratic Forces (UFDG), though some Guineans still associate him closely with the Conte regime.

Present at the Sept. He unsuccessfully stood against Conte in elections in 1993 and canada goose clearance sale 1998, and unlike many opposition figures has never served in government.

A prominent member of pro democracy canada goose clearance and civil society umbrella group the Forum of Living Forces (FFV), he has taken a buy canada goose jacket cheap lead role in negotiations with Camara National Council for Democracy and Development (CNDD) junta. Like Camara, he comes from cheap canada goose uk one of the minority ethnic groups of canada goose black friday sale the Forestiere region.


A heavyweight diplomat, Fall served in various official posts in Paris, New York, Lagos and Cairo before representing Guinea at the canada goose coats United Nations between 2000 and 2002, and was appointed Foreign Minister in canada goose store 2002. Security Council in March 2003 and in 2005 was chosen by Kofi Annan as his Special Representative for Somalia. Fall was appointed prime minister of Guinea in early 2004, but resigned only months later.

Fall has something of a reputation as a playboy and is canada goose widely thought to seek the presidency, but as head of the United Front for Democracy and Canada Goose Parka Change (FUDEC), he has said he would put his personal goals Canada Goose sale on Canada Goose online hold. “In uk canada goose outlet the interest of the country, I am ready to set to one side my own ambitions,” he told journalists.


Toure, head of the Union of Republican Forces (UFR), is seen by many opposition figures and supporters as a front runner for the position.

He is experienced in the upper echelons of government, having already served as prime minister between 1996 and 1999, during which time he made a name canada goose factory sale for himself by tackling problems with Guinea electricity provision network, and for opening dialogue between Guinea and donor countries.

He also worked as canada goose uk shop cabinet director for Ivory Coast then prime minister Alassane Ouattara.

Some Guineans view Toure as excessively self regarding, a trait which has alienated him from some former allies. Many also resent him Canada Goose Online for having backed despised former strongman Lansana Conte, who ruled Guinea for decades, by saying “Conte, I am following in your footsteps.”.

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