And You Thought It Was a Game: Alex (and everyone else in his town) thinks the Starfighter video game is just that. He’s quite surprised to learn that it’s a recruitment tool. Arc Words: “Greetings, Starfighter! You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko Dan armada!” Archnemesis Dad: An Inverted Trope here the Big Bad’s father is the Big Good. Jade Colored Glasses: Jeyne Westerling. Compare her chapters in A Storm of Swords to the ones here (in which she’s a POV character) and see how she’s changed from being an innocent, Wide Eyed Idealist into a bitter, cynical girl shrewd enough to know how exactly the Northmen would treat her if they knew that Robb’s trueborn brothers were alive. Galbart Glover tries to assure Jeyne that whatever resentment the northerners may have held for her disappeared after the Red Wedding, although Jeyne’s suspicions are proven true when Glover essentially declares her crippled son to be an unperson Karmic Death: Ramsay gets his courtesy of Theon.
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Replica Hermes Birkin Children Are Innocent: Played straight. Between this and its strictly G rated approach, this means that fresh humor to be mined from the “kids say/do the darndest things” premise is now extremely limited. Constantly Curious: All the kids who can talk. “Escape from the City” might be a reference to the song from Sonic Adventure 2. There are a few to be found in Korra’s attacks and stances, mostly to other fighting games and series. For example, one of Korra’s Airbending moves is the Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku. So far he and Donovan McNabb have not made the same love connection. In week six, the Eagles get to gnaw on the Oakland Raiders. Yes, those whipping boys of the league. Merchant Prince: Businessmen like Presteign of Presteign have so much power that they essentially are the government, and their family names are treated as titles. Painting the Medium: Foyle’s spacetime jaunte, while he’s suffering from synesthesia, is done with text illustrated in strange styles. Phlebotinum: PyrE a psychically activated explosive that’s even more powerful, gram for gram, than plutonium Replica Hermes Birkin.
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